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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Download Alchemy Game & Cheat

Alchemy is an game to train your logic with combine 2 element change to 1 new element..
You can get this game in Here!!

3. Airplane*= metal + bird
4. Alcohol= fire + water
5. Alcoholic= man + alcohol
6. Algae= life + water
7. Arable= earth + tool
8. Arms= metal + tool
9. Ash= fire + tree
10. Ashtray*= ash + glass
11. Assassin= man + poisoned weapons
12. Avian Flu*= flu + bird
13. Bacon*= fire + pig
14. Bacteria= life + swamp
15. Bar*= brick house + beer
16. Barbecue= fire + meat
17. Bat= bird + vampire
18. Batman*= man + bat
19. Beach*= water + sand
20. Bear*= beast + forest
21. Beast= earth + lizard
22. Beaver= dam + beast
23. Beer= alcohol + wheat
24. Beetle= earth + worm
25. Berry= grass + fruit
26. Bicycle= wheel + wheel
27. Bird= air + egg
28. Bitumen= kerogen + pressure
29. Blood= beast + hunter
30. Boat= water + wood
31. Boiler= metal + steam
32. Book= feather + paper
33. Bread= dough + fire
34. Brick= clay + fire
35. Brick House= brick + concrete
36. Butterfly= air + worm
37. Cactus= desert + tree
38. Car= cart + combustion engine
39. Caramel*= sugar + fire
40. Carbon Dioxide= oxygen + man
41. Carmine= cochineal + fire
42. Cart= wheel + wood
43. Caviar= fish + fish
44. Cement= clay + limestone
45. Cemetery*= grave + grave
46. Ceramics*= clay + man
47. Champagne*= wine + soda water
48. Chariot= warrior + cart
49. Cheese= quark(cheese) + fire
50. Chicken= egg + life
51. Christmas Tree*= tree + lightbulb
52. Cigarettes= paper + tobacco
53. City= skyscraper + skyscraper
54. Clay= sand + swamp
55. Cloth= tool + wool
56. Clothing= cloth + man
57. Cloud= air + steam
58. Coal= fire + tree
59. Coca-Cola= soda water + carmine
60. Cochineal= cactus + beetle
61. Coffin= corpse + wood
62. Combustion Engine= steam engine + gasoline
63. Concrete= cement + water
64. Corpse= fire + man
65. Dam= brick + water
66. Desert= sand + sand
67. Diamond*= uncut diamond + tool
68. Diet= man + yogurt
69. Dinosaur= earth + egg
70. Dough= flour + water
71. Dragon= fire + flying dinosaur
72. Dust= air + earth
74. Ectoplasm*= ghost + energy
75. Egg= life + stone
76. Electric eel*= snake + electricity
77. Electric ray*= fish + electricity
78. Electricity= energy + metal
79. Energy= air + fire
80. Explosion*= gasoline + fire
81. Farmer= man + seed
82. Fat= man + pig
83. Feather= bird + hunter
84. Fern= moss + swamp
86. Fire Elemental= fire + life
87. Firearms= arms + gunpowder
88. Firefighter*= hero + fire
89. Firefly*= light + beetle
90. Fish= bacteria + plankton
91. Fisherman*= hunter + fish
92. Flour= stone + wheat
93. Flower= water + seed
94. Flu= air + bacteria
95. Flying Dinosaur= air + dinosaur
96. Fondue*= cheese + fire
97. Forest= grove + grove
98. Fossil= dinosaur + earth
99. Frankenstein*= corpse + electricity
100. Frog*= lizard + swamp
101. Fruit= tree + farmer
102. Gasoline= petroleum + pressure
103. Genie8= lamp + ghost
104. Geyser= steam + earth
105. Ghost= ash + life
106. Glass= fire + sand
107. Golem= clay + life
108. Grape= earth + wood
109. Grass= earth + moss
110. Grave= earth + corpse
111. Grove= tree + tree
112. Gunpowder= dust + fire
113. Hen Coop= chicken + hut
114. Hero= dragon + warrior
115. Hospital*= brick house + sick
116. Hourglass= glass + sand
117. Hunter= arms + man
118. Hut= man + stone
119. Hydrogen= water + electricity
120. Idea*= man + light bulb
121. Iodine= algae + fire
122. Kama Sutra= book + sex
123. Kerogen = fossil + pressure
124. Knife= meat + tool
125. Lamp= fire + glass
126. Lava= earth + fire
127. Lava Golem= lava + life
128. Lava Lamp*= lava + lamp
129. Leech*= blood + worm
130. Library= book + book
131. Lichen*= mushroom + algae
132. Life= energy + swamp
133. Light= electricity + light bulb
134. Light bulb= electricity + glass
135. Lighthouse*= skyscraper + light
136. Lightning Rod*= thunderstorm + metal
137. Lightsaber*= arms + light
138. Lime= fire + limestone
139. Limestone= shells + stone
140. Livestock= beast + man
141. Lizard= snake + worm
142. Locomotive*= cart + steam engine
143. Man= beast + life
144. Manure= grass + livestock
145. Mario*= 1UP + man
146. McDonald’s= Coca-Cola + sandwich
147. Meat= beast + hunter
148. Metal= fire + stone
149. Metal Golem*= life + metal
150. Milk= livestock + man
151. Mite*= life + dust
152. Mold= mushroom + mud
153. Molotov Cocktail*= fire + alcohol
154. Moss= swamp + algae
155. Motorboat*= boat + combustion engine
156. Motorcycle*= bicycle + combustion engine
157. Mud= dust + water
158. Museum= brick house + fossil
159. Mushroom= earth + algae
160. Obesity= man + mcdonald’s
161. Omelette*= egg + fire
162. Oxygen= water + electricity
163. Oxyhydrogen= oxygen + hydrogen
164. Ozone= oxygen + electricity
165. Panda*= tree + beast
166. Paper= reed + tool
167. Pearl*= sand + shells
168. Peat= swamp + tree
169. Penicillin= mold + scientist
170. Petri Dish*= glass + bacteria
171. Petroleum= bitumen + pressure
172. Phoenix*= bird + fire
173. Pig = livestock + mud
174. Pillow*= feather + cloth
175. Pinocchio*= wood + life
176. Pizza*= cheese + dough
177. Plankton= bacteria + water
178. Piesiosauria*= dinosaur + water
179. Poison= mushroom + tool
180. Poisoned Weapons= arms + poison
181. Pressure= earth + earth
182. Prisoner*= assassin + time
183. Quark= soured milk + fire
184. Quetzalcoatl*= snake + bird
185. Reed= grass + swamp
186. Rust*= water + metal
187. Sailboat= boat + cloth
188. Sailing ship= cloth + wooden ship
189. Sailor*= boat + man
190. Salamander*= fire + lizard
191. Saltpeter= limestone + manure
192. Sand= stone + water
193. Sandstorm*= storm + sand
194. Sandwich= meat + bread
195. Scarab*= beetle + manure
196. Scientist= library + man
197. Scissors*= knife + knife
198. Scorpion= beetle + sand
199. Scotch whiskey*= alcohol + peat
200. Seed= life + sand
201. Sex= man + man
202. Shells= plankton + stone
203. Sick= man + flu
204. Silicon*= pressured +s and
205. Sky= air + cloud
206. Skyscraper= brick house + glass
207. Smoke*= fire + tobacco
208. Snail*= shells + worm
209. Snake= swamp + worm
210. Sniper*= assassin + firearms
211. Soap*= ash + fat
212. Soda water= carbon dioxide + water
213. Soldier*= firearms + man
214. Soured milk= milk + yogurt
215. Spinning wheel= wheel + wool
216. Stake= wood + knife
217. Star*= sun + scientist
218. Steam= air + water
219. Steam engine= boiler + coal
220. Steamer*= steam engine + wooden ship
221. Stone= air + lava
222. Storm= air + energy
223. Sugar= lime + reed
224. Sulfur= bacteria + swamp
225. Sun= sky + chariot
226. Sushi*= fish + algae
227. Swamp= earth + water
228. Sweater*= yarn + tool
229. Swine flu*= pig + flu
230. Team*= beast + cart
231. Tequila= alcohol + worm
232. Thunderbird*= bird + storm
233. Thunderstorm*= storm + electricity
234. Time= life + hourglass
235. Toast*= fire + bread
236. Tobacco= fire + grass
237. Tool= man + metal
238. Totora*= forest + ghost
239. Tree= earth + seed
240. Turtle= egg + sand
241. Twilight saga*= vampire + werewolf
242. Typhoon*= storm + water
243. Uncut diamond= coal + pressure
244. Undead*= zombie + corpse
245. Vampire= blood + man
246. Vinegar*= alcohol + oxygen
247. Vodka= alcohol + water
248. Volcano= lava + pressure
249. Vulture*= corpse + bird
250. VW beetle*= car + beetle
251. Walking tree= life + tree
252. Warrior= arms + hunter
254. Weevil*= flour + beetle
255. Werewolf= beast + vampire
256. Whale*= beast + water
257. Wheat= arable + seed
258. Wheel= tool + wood
259. Whey= soured milk + fire
260. Wind= air + air
261. Wine= grape + alcohol
262. Wood= tool + tree
263. Wooden ship= boat + wood
264. Wool= beast + hunter
265. Worm= earth + plankton
266. Yarn= spinning wheel + wool
267. Yogurt= bacteria + milk
268. Yoshi*= 1up + egg
269. Zombie= fossil + life
270. Zoo*= beast + museum

Thanks semoga bermanfaat.
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